Health and Safety Policy


1.   Bare Barbies is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe workplace.  This Policy is made in accordance with Bare Barbies’ obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

2.  This Policy records, at a high level, the reasonably practicable steps that Bare Barbies will take to ensure the health and safety of workers and other persons.



3.  While at work (which includes being in transit to or from any event), all Barbies must:

(a) take reasonable care for their own health and safety; 

(b) take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; 

(c) comply with any reasonable instruction given by Bare Barbies in furtherance of its health and safety obligations; 

(d) cooperate with any of Bare Barbies’ policies or procedures that relate to health and safety; 

(e) report any incidents or risks to Bare Barbies immediately, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time; 

(f) ensure that adequate breaks and/or refreshments are taken to manage the effects of fatigue while working; 

(g) not, at any time, be under the influence of drugs or alcohol; 

(h) wear appropriate footwear; 

(i) inform the host of an event and Bare Barbies immediately if any guest is making that Bare Barbie (or any other person) uncomfortable or feel harassed or pressured in any manner; 

(j) immediately contact Bare Barbies if any event has become out of control, aggressive, overly-intoxicated or sexual; and 

(k) be mindful of each guest’s personal boundaries. 



6.  Bare Barbies will, so far as is reasonably practicable, protect the health and safety of all workers, guests (and hosts) as well as any others who may be affected by Bare Barbies’ activities or events that Bare Barbies is serving.

7.  To this end, Bare Barbies will:

(a) provide and maintain a safe working environment and a positive health and safety culture; 

(b) provide all relevant information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that health and safety is communicated and understood effectively; 

(c) provide Bare Barbies with sufficient resources to support their own responsibilities; 

(d) require immediate reporting of any incidents; 

(e) communicate openly with Bare Barbies, hosts and business partners in regard to health and safety matters; 

(f) regularly review and identify any applicable hazards and risks; 

(g) regularly review health and safety performance indicators to ensure ongoing compliance with Bare Barbies’ legal obligations; and 

(h) take swift and decisive action upon the occurrence of any health and safety incident.


This Policy was last updated on 26 July 2022

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Can't decide?

Turn up the heat with this great combo:

Waitress + Lap Dance

Your Bare Barbie will entertain your guests and serve drinks for two hours. Either start or finish with a strip performance.

FROM $475

Can't decide?

Life drawing is our most popular service:

Nude Life Drawing

Your Bare Barbie will both host and pose for a series of fun drawing games, tastefully nude. This activity lasts one hour.


Can't decide?

Try our most popular combo:

Waitress + Life Drawing

Your Bare Waitress will entertain and serve drinks for the first hour. Then, draw her in a series of drawing games.

FROM $350